Current Issue : July-September Volume : 2017 Issue Number : 3 Articles : 2 Articles
The healthcare environment and the way healthcare is provided are changing. Similarly, nurse’s roles are changing and nurses need to be proficient in information technology to provide safe and effective healthcare. Furthermore, graduating nurses need to be prepared for the changing healthcare environment. Information is key to effective decision making and integral to quality nursing practice. Advance in information technology over the last few decades have created a significant opportunities for nurses to be aware of current information when making decision. In hospital nurses works in information-intensive environment. Information technology helps the nurses to process, manage and store and retrieve the information for providing safe and efficient patient care. Advance in information technology created new role for nurses and it is referred as nursing informatics. The main aim of this review article focused on application of nursing informatics in nursing and benefits of nursing informatics....
Yoga is very useful in the treatment of asthma. Back bends are very helpful to open the anterior lungs and relax the bronchial muscle. The objective of this study is assess the perceived severity of dyspnoea, degree of airway obstruction and Respiratory Rate (RR) among patients with Bronchial Asthma and evaluate the yogic therapy in bronchial asthma. A pre-experimental one group pretest-posttest design was adopted for this study. The Sample size was fifty samples were taken for the study. The sampling technique used was convenient sampling. The tool we are using to evaluate Modified Borg Dyspnoea Rating Scale, Respiratory rate and peak expiratory flow meter. The result was patient breathing pattern and respiratory rate improved with the help of yogic therapy....